Our Process

The Classic Leuven Gift Catalogue 

The Leuven  landmark illustrations from our 'Classic Catalogue' are created by professional designers who have themselves experienced life in that city first-hand.

Catchy, collaborates with BAREK Design Agency, from design to production of products themed with Leuven Landmark Illustrations. BAREK's many years of experience in the sector is the assurance of our product quality.

Under the Classic catalogue, there are different collections (tote bag, zipper pouches, poster, postcards that cover detailed artistic illustrations of  KU Leuven Library, Arenberg Castle, Ladeuzplein, Grote Markt, Old Town Hall, Oude Markt. 


Behind the scenes: 

LEuven gift 

Process of sketching an illustration 

 Drawing a city illustration on a tablet

 Leuven gift


The Creative Leuven Catalouge 

In addition to the Classic catalogue, Catchy also creates 'creative catalouge'  by collaborating with local artists, young talented illustrators and other professionals. Thus, surprise catalogs containing a limited number of products are prepared every year.

The "Creative Catalogue" provides inclusive diversity by involving new talents and ideas that experience the city in all its aspects. With this diversity, the Catalogue aims to capture creative interpretations of life in Leuven with an emphasis on personal styles and candid drawings.