Our Story

Catchy desires to inspire everyone who has a connection with Leuven...

Leuven is where we established our family life a while ago. When we wanted to buy souvenirs for our family and loved ones from this city we live in, we realized that the options were limited. As enthusiasts of art and creativity, we embarked on a journey to craft unique souvenirs for Leuven. Our brand, Catchy, was born in January 2021.

When designing the products at the beginning, our priority was to offer options that visitors to the city who want to take gifts to their loved ones, like us, would like. But later, not only visitors but also everyone living in Leuven became our target audience of Catchy.

While collaborating with artists and designing products was the most enjoyable phase of our business process, finding manufacturers that produce in accordance with our standards, adapting to market conditions, and being recognized and accepted in the local market required more effort than we expected. Nearly 10 collections and 130 different products show that we are on the right track. We will continue to make a difference and increase our customer satisfaction.

Our aim is to be known in the market as a brand that designs modern, unique city souvenir that stays away from the mass-production souvenir concept. Collaborating with a range of artists, Catchy creates different collections that are constantly renewed.

We manage to produce a variety of products different artistic styles by collaborating with a range of artists and entrepreneurs every year. We believe that we will become stronger by sharing and interacting. 

We hope that you'll take pleasure in both sharing these souvenirs with your friends and making use of them for your own enjoyment, just as we do.


 Timeline of Catchy...