St. Anthony Chapel Leuven

Pater Damiann, Greatest Belgian of All Time

The St. Anthony’s Chapel (Sint Antoniuskapel) is one of several medieval chapel in Leuven. In the 19. centaury it was an important place of pilgrimage dedicated to St. Joseph. Since 1936 its crypt has contained the mortal remains of Pater (Father) Damiann.

Many people from throughout the World come to the St. Anthony’s Chapel for the crypt of Father Damien. Inside the church visitors are able to follow the career of Damien through a number of panels of photos, from his vocation as a missionary to his death in 1889.

Damien was beatified in 1995 and designated the ‘Greatest Belgian of All Time’ in December 2005. He was canonised in Rome on 11 October 2009.


(Source:, photo by Aslı Tezcan