In the wall of the Hogen Heuvelcollege in Naamsestraat (where the Faculty of Economics and Business is now located), an iron ring is attached, on the spot where the first stone city wall and the Proefstraatpoort used to stand.
When the gate was demolished in 1754, the city gave permission to use the stones for an extension of the college on the vacant space, on the condition that a heavy ring would be built in to allow the street to be closed with a chain if necessary. At least so it is claimed, although the question remains why there is no ring across the street.
Stones from the wall were also used on the other side for the Calvary Chapel. It is also possible that the ring was intended for tethering horses so that they could rest after hitting the top of the slope.
More stories are told about the ring. It is also claimed that hitting the ring against the wall brings good luck, which many have apparently tried. Or even that there is a connection with St. Peter's Church. You can't see the church clockwork if you look through the ring, but the height at which the ring is attached would match the height of the church's ridge.
(Source: 'n Frivole Focus of Leuven , Quiz in t kwadraat, K. Glabeke, 2010)
Photo by Aslı Tezcan