Vlierbeek Abbey in Leuven

The story of the Benedictine monks of Vilerbeek begins as long as 1125. The area of abbey is still the focal point of parish and a wonderful destination for walkers and cyclist.

For nine centuries, the Abbey of Vlierbeek provided the framework for the daily life of the Benedictine monks of Vlierbeek. They made the surrounding land fertile and played a major role in the transfer of knowledge and religion in the region.

The former agricultural complex was built in the 17th century in here and then converted into housing in the 19th century. The architectural style is traditional. These buildings were restored in 1983 - 1984.


Source: https://www.abdijvanvlierbeek.be/virtueel-bezoek/landbouwcomplex/, photo by Asli Tezcan. 

Abbey Vlierbeek Leuven