
The Landlady (De Kotmadam) is a statue, part of the Oude Markt in Leuven, made by Alfred Bellefroid on May 16, 1985.  “Kot” is Flemish slang for a student room, and the “kotmadam” is the...

Meester Jan - Sint Pieters Klokkenluider; The Leuven Jacquemart (mechanical statues striking bells) was called 'Meester Jan' and was constructed in 1381. In 1573 it finally came to grief under the influence of wind and weather,...

Leuven gift featuring Old Town Hall The old town hall of Leuven (Stadhuis ), is one of the most famous gothic town halls in the world. The elegant towers of the town hall are the...

In 1816 King William I of the Netherlands opened national universities in Ghent, Liège and Leuven. In 1830, Belgium seceded from the Netherlands and became an independent kingdom. After the (re)founding of a Catholic University,...