Through the slowly closing clouds

Through the slowly closing clouds

Through the slowly closing clouds is a bronze statue of three meters high, made by sculptor Luk Van Soom. It is located west of Leuven, just outside the ring road, at the Blood Transfusion Center on Gasthuisberg.

For the design, Van Soom was inspired by Michelangelo's sixteenth-century fresco on the vaulted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, or at least by its most famous part: The Creation of Adam. It shows how God gives life to Adam, by a simple touch.

Van Soom's creation is an exact copy of the head, arm and hand of the Adam in Vatican City. 

The stretched arm of the image makes it easy to establish a link with the Blood Transfusion Center. Also when donating blood, one extends the arm and draws blood that is used to save lives. During the donation, people have a good view of the statue from the room of the Blood Transfusion Center.

Source: Leuven Gebeiteld_metkaft - Leuven statues.pdf, 2014

Photo by Aslı Tezcan